Client Resources ·

Client Resources ·

7 Simple Baby Body Work Movements

Rhythmic movements are ideal to do a few times a day spending about 1-2 minutes per exercise. These help to release tension, calm the central nervous system, integrate reflexes and hopefully help babe to feed better.

Breastfeeding Guide

With over 60 pages of educational information and resources on breastfeeding, our guide covers it all! From getting a good latch and solid milk supply, to the most common breastfeeding issues, we’re here to walk you through it.

Breastfeeding basics

The information you want — at your fingertips — for your breastfeeding journey! This loaded 66-page guide will empower you before your little one arrives and be an incredible reference when they’re here.

Breastfeeding Struggles

Have critical information you need on what can go wrong while breastfeeding. Learn about the main types of infections and how to treat them. Plus links to videos and more!

Pumping Guide

Everything you’ll need on sanitizing, storage, and using your pump. Learn different pumping techniques and how to store that precious liquid gold the proper way.

Weaning Guide

Weaning can be an emotional time for you and baby. Let this guide support you with valuable information to make this transition easier.

Back to Work

It doesn’t have to be as scary as you might think. From establishing a fabulous breastfeeding start to going back to work fearlessly — get the details on your milk supply, pumping, bottle feeding, and more!

Boise Tongue Tie Guide

If you’re concerned about your child’s tongue tie, start here. Drawn from my extensive knowledge and experience, this guide supports families and providers sorting through this complex issue. I know, it’s scary to think about your baby needing a procedure like a tongue tie release. When it’s recommended, trust that I only work with the best providers in Boise.

Baby Body Work

What is baby body work? Simple massages, exercises, and ways to develop the best outcome for your tongue tie baby before and after a release. Easy instructions for you to feel confident at home. (You got this, mama!)

Newborn Sleep Guide

Everything you want (and need) to know about getting your newborn to rest easy (so you can too). We partner with My Sleep Fairy to deliver this ultimate guide — packed with essential insight on sleep schedules, swaddling, safe sleep, and so much more.

Suck Training Exercises

These suck training exercises help strengthen tongue and release tension while improving function. It’s optimal to do these a few times a day for about five minutes.

Aftercare Stretches

Just like any procedure, consistent aftercare supports a full and healthy recovery. This simple yet extremely important aftercare stretches ensure proper mobility and proper healing for your little one. Learn and apply these techniques right in your own home, and come back to this video as many times as you need to.