How Craniosacral Therapy Works To Help Your Baby

Craniosacral therapy (CST) works using the magic of touch. (Yes, seriously!) With a gentle stroke, it releases tension around specific places that affect the central nervous system (CNS). Think of it as a top-notch baby massage that facilitates better health and easier feeding.

Only some IBCLCs have training or knowledge of this cutting-edge technique. Our founder Melanie constantly adds effective tools to her practice. So she’s specifically skilled in this area, and has seen it work wonders for her breastfeeding babies and parents.

Maybe you (and baby) had a traumatic birth and need a reset. Or perhaps you’re dealing with breastfeeding issues or colic. CST may just be what your baby needs to soothe their distress and help the whole family breathe easier.

If you’re in or around Boise, Idaho, Baby Bonds provides the education, resources, and skills you need to succeed. Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be a struggle when you have a local, knowledgeable IBCLC in your corner. From your in-person meeting to the free resources you get after choosing Melanie, you’ll be ready to confidently feed your baby.

Let’s dive into how CST works and benefits your baby, research behind it, and how someone with experience supports your baby’s wellness.

Why the Central Nervous System Matters in Breastfeeding Your Baby & How CST Works

When it comes to a fussy baby or breastfeeding trouble, you probably aren’t thinking about their central nervous system (CNS). Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Most parents — and IBCLCs — don’t. We’re all still learning the complicated (but fascinating) nature of babies.

The two main components of the central nervous system are the brain and spinal cord. The brain communicates with the spinal cord to send messages throughout the rest of the body. Tension blocks signals and makes these important messages harder to achieve.

As we know for adults, physical trauma or increased cortisol levels muddy the waters and keep those messages from going through clearly. When babies come into the world, they go through a lot of stress — whether by c-section or vaginal birth. (Birth is a traumatic experience if you stop to think about it!)

Infant skull bones are naturally soft enough to be manipulated during the birthing process, but the cost is increased strain on their central nervous system. Tension at the base of the skull impacts a lot throughout those little bodies.

Craniosacral therapy uses light touch to gently release tension in the muscles surrounding skull bones (neck, shoulder, and oral reflexes).

This helps the central nervous system transfer nice and clear messages. When your baby’s brain sends a signal to open its mouth to latch, for example, you want that signal strong and distinct! 

CST helps your baby with:

  • Breastfeeding & Latching

  • Reflux

  • Colic

  • Gas

  • Overall health

  • Improved immunity

  • Pain reduction

  • Tension relief

Maybe you’re dealing with one of these problems or multiple. Here’s what we really want you to hear: When the brain and spinal cord relax, your baby benefits. Sometimes you can actually see the moment your baby’s body releases tension!

Is Craniosacral Therapy Safe For Your Baby? 

This might be your biggest concern as a parent, and for good reason. We’re happy to share that the answer is yes but this technique requires skill and precision. Make sure you choose someone with proper training, like Melanie. She perfected both craniosacral therapy (CST) and craniosacral fascial therapy (CFT) under the Gillespie approach.

According to Dr. Barry Gillespie, the craniosacral fascial system “consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body.” [3] Translation: The body’s intricate systems work together, and these therapies directly increase the body’s overall health.

Specifically, he applied his research to babies. Studying over 800 infants with this technique, Dr. Gillsespie saw tremendous benefits. (More on his findings here.)

Melanie happily supports babies with CST AND CFT. She’s proud to be able to offer this added wellness benefit.

What’s Other Research Say About Craniosacral Therapy So Far?

It’s always important to consider what research finds when caring for infants and babies. CST and CFT are fairly newer approaches, and more information continues to emerge about their positive impact!

One study looked at CST’s use, benefits, and safety, and found it’s effective and safe in infants, children, and adults. [1] We know, as parents, it’s scary to think about someone manipulating a delicate area like the base of the skull. Rest assured, Melanie will treat your baby with the utmost care. She’s a mother herself and highly experienced.

When your baby cries often, it’s hard on the whole family. A 2019 study asked if CST helped babies with colic — and what they found is promising.

29 babies in a control group didn’t receive CST, while 29 others did. The study found the babies receiving CST had decreased crying (amount and severity) and longer sleep durations! [2]

Imagine the relief for your entire family with a relaxed baby who can breastfeed and sleep better! As a parent, knowing and trusting someone with experience eases your mind — so you can focus on your little one.

Providing Craniosacral Therapy in Boise & Surrounding Cities For Breastfeeding Support!

Melanie’s been an IBCLC for over 5 years and prides herself on continuing to learn new ways to help you navigate breastfeeding your baby. As the medical field continues to research this treatment technique, we’re happy to see consistent positive changes in the families we support. We hope yours will be next!

Melanie’s commitment to continuing her education and giving you every resource possible makes her the guide you want for your breastfeeding journey. It’s hard and it’s scary. No one understands better than her — a mother of 6 (including twins) and proud IBCLC.

If you’re curious about CST and CFT for your baby, lean on experienced and highly trained experts. Reach out to Melanie and see how she can improve your family’s life.

Explore Our CST Service Here






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