If You’re Breastfeeding and Your Baby Keeps Crying, This May Be Why

3 Complex Reasons Your Baby’s Extra Fussy

Whether it’s your first baby or number four, a constantly upset baby makes life hard for the whole family. Yes, some crying is normal — it’s how our precious little babes let us know they need something. 

But at what point is something going on that’s worth investigating?

With so much misleading information on breastfeeding issues, finding trusted resources matters. We want the best for our children, and as a mother myself, I get it. I’m Melanie, a skilled lactation consultant in the Boise area. I passionately work with other mamas to achieve their personal breastfeeding goals.

Today, let’s look at three common issues that can cause stress and literal pain for breastfeeding infants. Caffeine, infant food allergies, and tongue tie can interfere with breastfeeding — and using a lactation consultant can help pinpoint and resolve these problems.

1. Babies Take a Long Time to Process Caffeine from Breast Milk

Believe me when I tell you, I completely understand that caffeine feels like a lifeline for existing with a new baby. But it can be the cause of discomfort for your little one because processing caffeine takes a lot longer in babies.

Let’s take a quick science moment and look at caffeine’s half-life to break this down. “Half-life” just means how much time it takes for ½ the original amount to process out of the body. It’s about 5 hours for adults, so theoretically, 100mg of caffeine at 8 am decreases to 50mg by 1 pm.

Still with me? Let’s look at caffeine’s half-life in babies: [1]

Age (Time)

Newborn (97.5 hours)

3-5 months (14 hours)

6 months (3 hours)

Not to alarm you here, but these numbers are for a single dose of caffeine (or roughly 300 mg). For a newborn, their body takes over 4 days to completely remove caffeine from their small system. Yikes!

Before you tear your hair out or burst into tears, here’s the good news: 

Breastfeeding without caffeine IS possible

It’s hard at first — I won’t sugar coat it. But alternatives exist, and you can mother without caffeine. If your baby sleeps a lot better or generally feels more relaxed, you might not desperately need that morning cup of joe as much as you once did!

Practical guidance and support from a lactation consultant make you feel empowered. I care, and I want you to succeed. I’ve seen breastfeeding moms get positive results by removing caffeine from their diets. It may help you too!

Read more — from a certified sleep consultant — about caffeine and your baby’s sleep here.

2. Infant Food Allergies Are Confusing and Hard to Pinpoint

When breastfeeding, nutrients and food proteins from what you eat pass directly to your child. So it may surprise you to learn your baby’s allergic to something that doesn't bother you. First off, let’s clarify and define allergies vs. intolerances.

  1. Infant food allergies happen when babies’ immune systems react to certain food proteins, according to the American Academy of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI). 

  2. Food intolerances have to do with the digestive system not being able to break down certain foods. [2]

Symptoms of Food Allergies in Breastfed Babies: [3]

  • Gassiness &  Cramps

  • Irritability

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Constipation

  • Colic

  • Rash & Eczema

  • Bloody stools

  • And even more

Food allergies can be hard to pinpoint because you have to completely remove foods from your diet to see what’s triggering your child. (Hello label reading!) The most common baby food allergies are dairy and soy. 

By cutting out foods to find the allergen(s), you remove those food proteins from your breastmilk. Once you target the problem foods, you can successfully breastfeed your baby.

Because finding the trigger and avoiding foods can be so hard, mothers often have formula pushed on them as the only option or quick fix. If you really want to keep breastfeeding, finding the right support to help you through issues is key. Always work closely with your child’s pediatrician and consider other research and sources.

I’m proud and honored to personally know Dr. Trill, a molecular biologist, and CEO of Free to Feed. She created this company to guide breastfeeding parents that have babies with food allergies. Check out all this amazing company has to offer!

You’ll notice a trend here: None of this stuff is simple. 

It’s tough and stressful when your baby keeps crying and experiencing pain or discomfort. Getting education and resources from a skilled lactation consultant bypasses a lot of worry and Google searches — so you can enjoy being a parent!

I’m proud and honored to personally know Dr. Trill, molecular biologist, and CEO of Free to Feed. A company to help to breastfeed parents that have babies with food allergies.

3. Tongue Tie Can Ruin Your Breastfeeding Journey Without the Right Support

Tongue tie, another complicated issue, may be the root of your baby’s crying and your breastfeeding struggles. It occurs when tissue under the tongue fastens to the floor of the mouth and restricts its movement and function.

Baby’s Symptoms:

  • Colic

  • Reflux

  • Gas

  • Difficulty latching

  • Poor weight gain

  • Excessive drooling

  • And more

Mom’s Symptoms:

  • Cracked or bleeding nipples

  • Pain or discomfort while nursing

  • Plugged ducts

  • Thrush

  • And more

If you’re suffering from any or all of these symptoms, please reach out. If you’re personally experiencing this, you can see why it would ruin a breastfeeding journey, right? As if being sleep-deprived wasn’t enough! 

Tongue tie can require a medical procedure, aftercare, bodywork, and more. If your baby does need the procedure, sometimes referred to as ‘tongue tie release,’ rest assured it’s going to be okay. This procedure significantly improves breastfeeding success and increases the amount of milk a baby gets. [4] I know it’s scary but it’s my mission to guide you through the process.

My extensive experience can help ease this pain. You don’t have to walk through this alone, and we can save your breastfeeding story. I work with the best providers in Boise to get you back to enjoying breastfeeding again.

Start with my FREE pdf: Your Guide To Tongue Tie Release!

Explore Solutions to Your Unique Lactation Needs

If any of these common issues feel familiar, please contact me. You don’t have to suffer through your baby crying nonstop. We can find the solution together.

After nursing all 6 of my children (one set of twins!) and working with parents for years, I provide incredible experience and expertise. Let’s get you back on track for an enjoyable experience feeding your baby.

You’re brave, strong, and resilient, Mama. It takes courage to seek guidance when you’re struggling. Taking control of your breastfeeding journey is the best gift you can give yourself and your new baby. I’m here to provide the tools you need to create the breastfeeding experience you deeply want. It’s a beautiful, sacred time between mother and child like nothing else. 

And you won’t need me all the time, I promise.

I offer lactation support and home visits to the Boise community and its surrounding areas. I proudly serve families across the (country/world) through virtual appointments. I’d love to care for you and your family!

Learn About All My Services Here!


  1. https://www.lllc.ca/breastfeeding-and-caffeine

  2. https://www.aaaai.org/Tools-for-the-Public/Conditions-Library/Allergies/food-intolerance

  3. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/122/Supplement_2/S105/tab-figures-data

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5516187/


Two Babies-Two Completely Different Outcomes


Tongue Tie Release as an Adult