Colic to Delightful Overnight

We were in the hospital, December 4, 2019. You were born at 5:34 am. Everyone came in and out and in and out running test poking you, checking your heart rate, and making sure you were a healthy little girl. A pediatrician came in to check on you and said, “Everything looks good! No tongue tie.” At the time- I thought- well that’s an odd thing to look for- Of all the things to look for!

You weren’t very good at breast feeding. It was like you were trying to chew your food. You would pull on and off and on and off. I started to supplement and bottle feed while continuing to try and try to breastfeed. I felt more comfortable with a bottle, because I could count the amount of ounces that you were eating. You were little, so they said max 2 ounces every two hours. You would only eat 1/2 to 1 ounce every 2 to 3 hours, and you would spit up almost everything you ate. You were so stiff. You always had your fists clenched and did not like to be held. You wouldn’t even let me hold you to feed you. I had to swaddle you and lay you on the floor. This is when I began to worry.

We went to your doctor for your one month well child check up. I asked the doctor. “Is it normal for her only to eat one ounce every three hours?” He said “No”. And suggested that you probably had acid reflux and prescribed you some Zantac. That did not help. I called him again. He said to up your dosage on Zantac. Still, no improvements. It was to the point that I was force feeding you from a Tylenol dropper 5 ML of formula or breast milk at a time. I would try to feed you every hour. I was only able to feed you 10-13 ounces a day. I knew this was not normal. You began to get very angry. And I’m not talking like a colic baby who would scream for 3 hours at night. You screamed 24 hours a day. Day in and day out. I made another appointment with the doctor.

February 4. We go back to your doctor. You have not been gaining the weight like they were hoping. The doctor then said that it was probably something wrong internally and referred us to a Pediatric ENT. I immediately called them. They could not get me in for over two and a half weeks. I told the girl - your meaning to tell me that my baby won’t eat and is loosing weight and you want me to wait for 2 and 1/2 weeks to come in???? I said, “Do you have kids?”  She said, "sorry ma’am I’ll put you on our call list if anything pops up we will call you.” Meanwhile I have a screaming, extremely uncomfortable, frustrated child that won’t eat food. There has to be another way.

I posted on Instagram asking if anyone else had a child that had these types of symptoms. They told me that something was wrong with your stomach or liver, so I’m thinking an invasive surgery or worse.

My friend wrote me and said, “Yes!! My little girl was the same way!! She actually had a lip and a tongue tie and couldn’t eat. You need to go see Melanie Henstrom from Baby Bonds.” I called Melanie the next day (Wednesday). She was in Utah but said that she could squeeze me in when she returned home. She said I can get you in on Thursday at 3 or Friday at 11. I said Friday at 11. Then later I decided that no I cannot wait any longer. I need answers!! I called her back and she said “Okay, I’ll be over to your house Thursday at 3.”

Heaven sent. She came over and sat down with me for TWO HOURS. Not 20 minutes that you get at the doctors office.  I was even crying because of my pure worry for my daughter and she cried with me and reassured me that it was going to be okay.

My daughter had a tongue tie and a lip tie. She was swallowing more air than she was food. No wonder she was so uncomfortable!! I scheduled her for the laser procedure that following Tuesday.

It was scary. No one likes to hear their baby scream but I knew that I had to help her and that it would be so worth it.

Here we are now two and a half weeks later and my baby went from eating 10 ounces a day to 29-31 ounces a day. I even can hold her when she eats. She is not stiff anymore. She is smiling at me and even giggled for the first time the other day.

I knew my happy little baby was in there and it was my job to help my little girl. I am so grateful that I found Melanie and that she was able to give me answers and help me through the ENTIRE process. Like I said, heaven sent.


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