Happy Healthy Start

We are so grateful that our pediatrician recommended us to Melanie. As first-time parents, we wanted to do the best thing for our son Logan. However, as first-time parents, we had no idea what it all entailed when we were told Logan had a tongue tie.

Melanie was super accommodating to our schedule and able to see us quickly. She connected us to wonderful professionals to help not only with the tongue tie procedure itself but also the after care. It may seem overwhelming and intimidating at first since it’s all new territory, but it’s well worth it!

Logan was born at 7 pounds and 4 ounces. Here at three months old, he’s weighing in a little over 16 pounds! He’s more than double his birth weight in such a short time! I truly believe it’s because of the guidance and support we received from Melanie. I would recommend her skills and abilities to anyone, not just parents with a tongue tie baby. Her knowledge base is incredible, and she freely shares it, which we appreciated.


Tongue Tie Release as an Adult


Caffeine and your Baby’s Sleep: The Ultimate Guide for the Breastfeeding Mom